23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension - Vancouver, Canada . September 26-30, 2010
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International Society of Hypertension Awards

On the occasion of its 23rd Biennial Scientific Meeting, which will be held in Vancouver, Canada from September 26th – 30th 2010, the International Society of Hypertension (ISH), with the collaboration and generous support of corporate sponsors, is pleased to announce the following awards. In addition to the prestige and kudos associated with each of these awards, they each comprise a significant monetary amount to recognise the excellence of the awardees and support the intended purposes of the specific awards.

Austin Doyle Award, supported by Servier Australia

This award is for a graduate who is within 5 years of post-graduate qualification. The recipient will be judged to have given the best original presentation relevant to clinical medicine, at the 2010 Meeting.

AstraZeneca Award

To be presented to a distinguished investigator responsible for outstanding work related to the clinical pharmacology and therapy of arterial hypertension.

Boehringer Ingelheim Developing World Award

This award is for a researcher in the developing world who has done outstanding work in the region. The recipient will be expected to submit an abstract of his/her research for the 2010 Meeting.

Franz Volhard Award and Lectureship, supported by Bayer Schering Pharma

To be presented to a person or persons who shall have initiated in the field of hypertension or in a related discipline, a concept, which remains of current interest. The recipient shall be invited to deliver to the ISH a lecture on the topic for which the award is bestowed.

International Forum Poster Prizes, supported by ISH

These prizes, each valued at US $1000, will be awarded to the best posters presented at the Vancouver ISH meeting.

Pfizer Award

To be given to an investigator presenting a superior research project, at the ISH 2010 Biennial Scientific Meeting, in the study of basic mechanisms by which blood pressure and lipids interact in the development of cardiovascular disease. The recipient must be willing to join the ISH as a member following nomination/receipt of award. Previous winners of this award are not eligible for nomination a second time.

The Robert Tigerstedt Award, supported by ISH

To be presented to a person, persons or institution responsible for distinguished work relating to the aetiology, epidemiology, pathology or treatment of high blood pressure.

The Stevo Julius Award, supported by Novartis

To be given to a person or persons demonstrating exceptional and continuous commitment to the dissemination of information, knowledge and skills in the field of hypertension to: (a) general public; (b) medical community; (c) specialists in the hypertension field, and; (d) to investigators involved in hypertension research.

You will see further information in the Awards section of www.ish-world.com.

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